Wellness India - The CSN People - Release Condition Specific Nutrition for 45 Health Conditions
Released on = July 18, 2007, 4:24 am
Press Release Author = J Srinivasan, Wellness & Nutrition India (P) Ltd
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Condition specific nutrition (CSN) is the latest and unabated trend in nutrition. A health condition needs a whole range of nutrients to be consumed together at the same time to be effective. Commonly available ingredient-centric nutrients fall short in effectiveness as they focus on one or few nutrients. A health condition often needs 40 or more micro, macro and other nutrients and herbs in specific combinations to be beneficially impacted. You could be consuming too little, too few or too much of some ingredients. Wellness India announces the release of CSN for 45 health conditions formulated on the basis of vast International research.
Press Release Body = The hangover of the Pharma approach of discovery of a molecule, testing and deploying has for long gripped almost all forms of health care products that are consumables. Not without good reason though. After all, as a nutrient (read molecule) is discovered, clinical and lab trials are the first to be taken up to check its curative or beneficial effects and side effects if any.
However, nutrition, as distinct from drugs, is not primarily meant to be curative. And they rarely act like drugs. Studies of the impact of nutrients have been carried out over the last 50 - 100 years, making a wealth of knowledge available for those who care to use it. An example is the research and clinical work carried out 1911 by Dr. John Beard on the Pancreatic Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and even today practiced so successfully by Dr. Gonzales in NY. All the research point to one fact: a health condition requires a whole range of nutrients to be significantly beneficially impacted. Thus an ingredient-centric nutrition product is unlikely to have the impact that a scientifically formulated combination of nutrients would.
Wellness & Nutrition India has since 1999 studied the large knowledge base of research by the world\'s top research institutions and publications and formulated \"Condition Specific Nutrition\" for 45 health conditions, including the most common ones like: Diabetes, Cancer, Energy & Vitality, Bone & Joints, Lungs / Colds / Immunity, Hair Skin Nails, Children, Hypertension / Heart / Lipid, Surgery / Wound, Women, Migraine, Memory / Stress / Mood, Ulcers, Men, Prostate, Sexual Wellness, Eye & Digestive health.
The product is simple to use. Packed in sachets, each carton has a 5 day supply. It is very cost effective when compared to the alternative of buying a whole set of nutrient-centric products to make up the right combination. Retailing at $ 0.75 a sachet (day) the company plans to put the product on retail shelves of some of the top global retail chains.
Wellness & Nutrition India (P) Ltd has a comprehensive website at: www.wellness-india.com
Web Site = http://www.wellness-india.com
Contact Details = #13, 16-B Main Rd 4-B Block Koramangala Bangalore 560034 India
corporate@wellness-india.com +91 80 41504777
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